Title Phone Fax
Assistant Dean 404.894.1562
Assistant Dean of Students with Disabilities 404.894.2564
Associate Dean of Diversity Programs 404.894.6367
Blueprint (GT yearbook) 404.894.2833
Career Services 404.894.2550
Center for Academic Success 404.894.1945 404.894.1980
Coordinator 404.385.1563
Counseling Center 404.894.2575
Day 404.894.6367
Dean of Students 404.894.6367
GT Smart 404.894.9190
Honor Advisory Council 404.894.7519
Interfraternity Council 404.894.9789
Literary Magazine, Other 404.894.2832
New Student Orientation Faset 404.894.6897
Newspaper 404.894.2831
Newspaper Advertising 404.894.2830
Spaarc 404.894.7520
Sr. Associate Dean 404.894.2564
Student Government 404.894.2814
Student Organizations 404.894.3458
Vice President 404.385.8772
Women's Resource Center 404.385.0230